Hello, I'm Lucile Gamen!
I'm a Senior Product Designer and Researcher with a passion for AI- enabled solutions, especially Health-tech, currently working at Pennylane.
My main interest lies in understanding human behaviour to affect behavioural change through physical and digital interactions, drawing from different fields such as cognitive, experimental and behavioural psychology, neuropsychology, neuroscience, behavioural biology, affective computing, AI, and wearable technologies.
Explore Work

COPD remote care
Coming soon
Developing a risk stratification platform to increase HCP time-efficiency through the use wearable technologies
Past projects
Projects from a while back that still hold a special place in my heart.

Redefining the experience of ageing in retirement homes.
Wellbeing Service Design & Strategy
Master's Project
#Understanding emotion
#Responding to emotion
#Communicating emotion
#Welllbeing Initiatives

Honor Award
from Jury
Exploring the implications and the experience of skin from a Design perspective.
Research Project
Master's Thesis
#Understanding emotion

Developing "ice-breakers" interactive games for Dementia Patients and their caregivers.
Interaction Design
#Understanding emotion
#Responding to emotion
#Welllbeing Initiatives
Creating a new in-store payment service merging the digital and the offline experience in Mango stores.
Service & Interaction Design