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The project was designed in the context of an International Design Contest by the French enterprise "Air Liquide". The theme of the contest was "Breathe better in the city" and could be approached in any way possible.
Skills: Product design, future thinking, sketching, 3D animation, hight fidelity prototyping.
I decided to approach the theme in a sustainable way, merging biomimicry with emerging technologies. The concept I designed is inspired by the working structure of bees. I created "bee-drones" that purify the outdoor air through HEPA filters found in their abdomen. The "bee-drones" live in Hives which are placed around the city, in high pollution areas. The Hives are equipped with air pollution sensors, when there is a rise in pollution they indicate the "bee-drones" to clean the air. Once the air is clean, the "bee-drones" return to the hive to recharge, ready for their next mission.

The project was awarded the "Out of the Box" Award for its originality and unexpected approach. Furthermore, it resulted in a 3 month internship at the i-Lab of Air Liquide in Paris, where I had the possibility to participate in different research initiatives.

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